Requirements for Articles Published in “Vestnik ISPEU”

Articles in electronic format with the printed versions are accepted for publication in the journal. Each article should contain about 6 pages, 2 references: one from the author’s employment officially certified and the other should be external one.

Article deadline:

Vol. 1 – till December, 15

Vol. 2 – till February, 15

Vol. 3 – till April, 15

Vol. 4 – till June, 15

Vol. 5 – till August, 15

Vol. 6 – till October, 15


Publication Requirements for Article:

         The text is compiled in two columns typed in Arial print, text size is 10.

         The annotation contains from 3 till 5 lines in Russian and in English (in page width). Key words in Russian and in English are required.

         The title of the article should be in Russian and in English, the author’s initials and surnames with degrees or positions are written   in page width. The index UDK should be mentioned before the title of the article on the left of the page, typed in the same print.

         Diagrams and pictures should be fulfilled on the computer in CorelDraw or Word program.   There should be no inscriptions on diagrams and pictures except some main notions, they should be indicated in numbers and decode below, and all the decryptions are written under the diagrams. The inscriptions should be typed in Arial, 8 print size on diagrams or figures and under them. The figures as well as the diagrams should only be black and white; the other colours are not permitted.

         Formulas should be made in Microsoft Equation 3.0 or Math Type 5.0-6.0 Equation (Arial), size 10 organized in one column.

         If the article is written on the basis of the materials received under the aegis of federal contests and grants, the text should contain the reference on the contest (grant) with the details. The bibliographical data and information about the authors (place of employment, position, title, degree, and contact information) should be mentioned at the end of the article.

         The Publication Department preserves the right of editing the articles.

        Chief Editor’s Assistant, Evgeniy Rafailovich Panteleev, is ready to answer all questions about payment and publication of your articles in a particular issue. 

His contact phone: (4932) 26-98-60
