Increasing Efficiency and Reliability of Heat Power Plants
Address: 34, Rabfakovskaya st., building B, room 419,
Lecture Room: A-419 (phone: 269-934, 416-056)
About the School
School Founder: M.I. Shchepetilnikov, Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Honoured Engineer of the
Year of Foundation: 1961
School Director: A. V. Moshkarin, Doctor of Engineering, Professor, honoured worker of science of the
Scientific fields of the school
- Improvement of thermal schemes of steam power and combined cycle electric generating plants.
- Research of the recycling processes and technologies of free-flowing materials.
- Research of reliability and viability of flues and tewels at Heat Power Stations.
- Mathematical and Computer Simulation of heat power engineering objects and computer-aided design systems at Heat Power Stations.
- Energy Saving at Heat Power Stations and Energy Enterprises.
- Vitality Research of Heat Power Stations that are getting old.
Collaboration with companies and enterprises